FSS Polestar: Shamanism for Local and Global Healing and Assistance

Faced with catastrophes of an epic scale — such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and social injustice — how can I ethically bring the power of the compassionate spirits to help? Faced with catastrophes of epic scale, such as the Covid-19 pandemic,...

FSS Polestar: Visual and Non-Visual Shamanic Journeys

I’m concerned because my journeys are not very visual. Other people report a lot of vivid details from their journeys, almost as if they’re watching a movie. My journeys aren’t like that at all. I often just get vague, disconnected images. Am I doing something wrong?...

FSS Polestar: Shamanism in natural or human-caused disasters

How can I provide shamanic help in cases of natural or human-caused disasters? Shamanic healing is powerful and can produce miracles of healing. It also operates outside of ordinary reality time and space, so distance healing can be just as powerful as in person work....

FSS Polestar: Imagination and reality in shamanic journeying

How do I know I’m not just imagining all this, or making it up? This is a common question among beginning journeyers. Ultimately it is a question that we each must answer for ourselves. We live in a culture that exalts rational mind, intellect, and consensual reality....

FSS Polestar: Can you learn shamanism and shamanic healing online?

As interest in shamanism grows, online training offerings are emerging. There are pros and cons to this trend. On the one hand, never before has it been so easy to connect with shamanic practitioners and shamanic resources from all over the world. This is an exciting...

FSS Polestar: Shamanic drumming, live/for yourself or recorded?

Question: “I’ve heard that some people do live drumming for themselves while they journey instead of using a drumming recording. How does this work? Isn’t it hard to do both? And is one method better or more powerful than the other?” Whether you listen to...