Shamanism Annual, Issue 32, December 2019

Members, look for the latest issue of the FSS journal Shamanism Annual (Issue 32, December 2019) in your mailbox soon. Download a sample, Shamanism Annual, News Summary In this issue: Thai Lersi Hermit Shamans Shamanism and Power, dialogue with Michael Harner, 2016...

2019 FSS News Summary

Download the 2019 FSS News Summary from the Shamanism Annual, December 2019, Issue 32.

FSS E-News Summer-Fall 2019

VIEW THE ISSUE—introducing the Core Shamanism Chronicles; new workshop Shamanism for Inspired Local and Global Change; FSS presents at IONS international conference in Santa Clara, California; FSS Polestar (shamanism to help in cases of disasters); the Earth as...

FSS Presents at International Conference, July 2019, Santa Clara, CA

FSS President Susan Mokelke presented at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) 2019 International Conference July 18 – 21, 2019 in Santa Clara, California. On July 18 Susan facilitated an all day pre-conference workshop, “The Shamanic Journey, Pathway to...

New Workshop – Shamanism for Inspired Local and Global Change

The FSS is pleased to announce a new workshop, Shamanism for Inspired Local & Global Change. In these challenging times, shamanic work, when combined with ordinary reality knowledge and action, can make an immense contribution toward effective long-term solutions...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Shamanic Healing, Neck Injury

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Shamanic Healing, Neck Injury ©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies I had received a call from a client who requested healing for her neck. She had been in a car accident two years prior and had sustained an injury to her neck. Despite...