FSS E-News December 2021

IN THIS ISSUE— Highlights of 2021; Holiday Greetings; Online Knowledge Series and Healing Training Program; Living Treasures of Shamanism appointed; and links to advanced residential programs scheduled for 2022. The FSS E-NEWS: Foundation news, links to...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: My Spontaneous Healing

Core Shamanism Chronicles: My Spontaneous Healing ©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies My name is Eli and I have just returned from the second year of the FSS Europe (FSSE) Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism, October 2021, in Switzerland.* In November 2020...

FSS E-News Summer-Fall 2021

IN THIS ISSUE— online Shamanic Healing Training Program now complete; two new Living Treasures of Shamanism appointed; 24 HOURS OF CHANGE & TRANSFORMATION, November 19 – 20, 2021, a Global online event sponsored by FSS Europe; shamanism news; podcast...

FSS Polestar: The Shaman’s Song and Helping Spirits

The Shaman’s Song and Helping Spirits A podcast with Susan Mokelke From the series, Curious and Curiouser with Robin Johnson: a Great Mystery Podcast Series October 25 This informative interview opens on a personal note, as Susan Mokelke tells the story of her...

New Living Treasure: Kapi Waurá, shaman of the Wauja people

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is honored and pleased to announce the appointment of Kapi Waurá as a Living Treasure of Shamanism. Kapi is a female shaman, a traditionally male role, of the Wauja people from the Amazon of Central Brazil. She is of the Yakapá type...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Spirit Song

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Spirit Song ©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies I'm trained and have practiced as a psychiatrist for more than 40 years. Many years ago, after sustaining a head injury due to a fall, I started having some amazing, overwhelming,...