17th West Coast Three Year Program Starts May 15-20, 2022

17th West Coast Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism & Shamanic Healing Starts May 15-20, 2022 taught by Amanda Foulger Residential San Francisco Bay Area Originated by Michael Harner and based upon his decades of research and experimentation,...

New Living Treasure: Saintsetseg, Dukha shaman

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is honored and pleased to announce the appointment of Saintsetseg, a Dukha shaman from the Siberian frontier, as a Living Treasure of Shamanism. MORE ABOUT Saintsetseg, including video of her doing ceremony and healing… Our...

East Coast Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive
October 17 – 28, 2021

East Coast Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive, October 17 – 28, 2021, Madison, Virginia. This life-changing course will be taught by Nan Moss and assisted by Elaine Egidio. Originated by Michael Harner, this intensive training in advanced core shamanism is...

FSS E-News Winter-Spring 2021

IN THIS ISSUE— Online Workshops & new Shamanic Healing Series Online Program; links to video presentations with Sandra Harner, Kevin Turner (Director for Asia), and Roland Urban (Director FSSE); passing of Living Treasure Manuel da Silva; shamanism-oriented...

FSS Polestar: What is a shaman?

What is a shaman? How does one become one? The re-emergence of shamanism in the West has been largely driven by the pioneering work of the late anthropologist Dr. Michael Harner, founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. His lifetime of research,...