FSS Polestar: Shamanism as a Profession?

Shamanism as a Profession? Practicing Shamanic Healing Using Core Shamanism We find ourselves these days at a significant crossroad in the growth of shamanism in contemporary society. In the 1980s, when the Foundation’s training programs were relatively new, people...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Honoring Tree Spirit

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Honoring Tree Spirit ©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies As first-time home buyers, we were apprehensive about this new experience. The house in the San Francisco Bay Area was more than 100 years old and several families had lived...

FSS Polestar: Shamanism for Local and Global Healing and Assistance

Faced with catastrophes of an epic scale — such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and social injustice — how can I ethically bring the power of the compassionate spirits to help? Faced with catastrophes of epic scale, such as the Covid-19 pandemic,...

FSS Polestar: Visual and Non-Visual Shamanic Journeys

I’m concerned because my journeys are not very visual. Other people report a lot of vivid details from their journeys, almost as if they’re watching a movie. My journeys aren’t like that at all. I often just get vague, disconnected images. Am I doing something wrong?...

FSS E-News, Year End, December 2019

VIEW THE ISSUE—with warm holiday wishes, highlights of 2019 Foundation news, advanced shamanic training opportunities, and words to inspire as we move into a new decade. The FSS E-NEWS: Foundation news, links to information and articles about shamanism, and...

FSS Holiday Hours, December 2019

HOLIDAY HOURS: The administrative office will be closed starting Monday, December 23, 2019 and will reopen Thursday, January 2, 2020, so that we may enjoy the holidays with our families. For information during that time, check this website. Email will be checked on a...