Sharon Stroick

Calgary, AB, Canada
Sharon Stroick began studying with the Foundation in 1989 and continues to study with FSS and other shamanic teachers including Sandra Ingerman, Tom Cowan, and Betsy Bergstrom. Sharon continues to explore and practice quantum healing modalities that complement shamanic work, including Matrix Energetics and Reconnective Healing. Athough the approaches vary, the intention is the same -- to bring health and wholeness to people in need of assistance on their life's journey. Sharon has had a clinical practice in shamanic intervention since 1991, serving clients across North America and as far away as Italy and Australia. Services include empowerment, soul retrieval, extraction, curse clearing, and psychopomp work (related to death, dying, and bereavement). Sharon holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Design and has also worked as a social policy researcher for nearly 20 years. Appointments are available evenings and weekends.


  • Graduate of the FSS Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing
  • Graduate of a FSS Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive

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