The FSS is providing this forum for our shamanic community to share inspiration, activities, artistic endeavors, actions, and ideas about what is being done to help Ukraine and its people.

Scroll to the comments section below to leave a comment. Comments will be reviewed and selected ones will be posted.

See also FSS Polestar: Responding to Events in Ukraine, for important links, including training in shamanic methods to help.

Some guidelines for comments:

  1. Comments that involve actions in ordinary reality that are inspired by the compassionate spirits are especially helpful
  2. Posts and activities must align with shamanic ethics and permission issues
  3. Actions taken must be respectful of all beings, without expression of blame, anger, and judgment

Core Shamanism Chronicles logo ©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
FSS Core Shamanism Chronicles features brief personal shamanic healing accounts and practical applications of shamanism in daily life. By sharing our inspiring stories with each other, we hope to reveal the power, effectiveness, and beauty of shamanic practice.

If you have a core shamanic practice story to share, use our CONTACT FORM and put “Chronicles” in the subject line. Submission guidelines: Accounts should be no more than a few paragraphs long and offer a specific personal example of healing or applying core shamanism methods in everyday life. As always, keep in mind ethical standards of confidentiality and permission: Ask your clients for permission before sharing and do not reveal their names. If your submission is selected for inclusion in the Chronicles, you may use your name or choose to be listed as anonymous.