My name is Eli and I have just returned from the second year of the FSS Europe (FSSE) Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism, October 2021, in Switzerland.*

In November 2020 I came down with a neurological condition that left me virtually an invalid. I spent two weeks in the hospital, six weeks in a neurological rehab center, and six more weeks as an outpatient. My husband had to take three months off work to care for me. During this time, although I was not able to actually “work” with my compassionate spirits, they never left my side. They guided me and gave me much strength to keep going. Eventually, I regained enough function to be able to attend the Three Year session, although I was still in a lot of pain and had a movement disorder in my right leg.

During the course of this session, in one particular exercise, the movement disorder literally disappeared, spontaneously. I cannot express, after over 10 months of not being able to walk properly, the sheer joy of doing such a simple thing as putting one foot in front of the other. Especially as before the onset of this condition, I was able to run 20 km! Now I am learning to walk again, but every time I walk it is exhilarating for me to feel my leg again.

During my stay at the Rehab center I decided to take the plunge and train to become a psychotherapist, specializing in working with patients with neurological conditions. I have a special interest in helping those who are suffering from the same rare condition that I have. As this condition is relatively unknown it is my goal to set up a self-help group and carry out advocacy work through an international non-profit organization. Currently these ideas are just little acorns, but out of little acorns great oak trees grow! With the support of my family, friends and of course guidance from my spirits, I am feeling strong and well equipped to walk this new path.

I wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, a HUGE THANK YOU for all the work that the FSS and FSSE do. I know that much of this healing has come from my spirits (and I thank them every day!) but my FSSE teachers** gave me access to these tools and the setting to experience healing like this. A tool is only as good as the teacher who teaches you how to use it. That is why I wanted to take this opportunity to say my deepest appreciation for all the work the FSSE does and that without my teachers’ extensive experience I certainly would not be walking (and even able to consider running!) again so soon, if ever!

All this would not have been possible without the strength and wisdom I received from my helping spirits in the darkest of times, to turn something so life changing into something so wonderful, and where I can really give back to those suffering around me.

Eli, FSSE Three Year Program participant

**Roland Urban is director of the FSSE and its faculty. He, along with a team of FSSE faculty members, facilitates the Three Year Program in Europe.

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FSS Core Shamanism Chronicles features brief personal shamanic healing accounts and practical applications of shamanism in daily life. By sharing our inspiring stories with each other, we hope to reveal the power, effectiveness, and beauty of shamanic practice.

If you have a core shamanic practice story to share, please send as an email attachment to GRO.M1720047784SINAM1720047784AHS@O1720047784FNI1720047784 and put “Chronicles” in the subject line. Submission guidelines: No more than one page is recommended. Accounts should offer a specific personal example of healing or applying core shamanism methods in everyday life. As always, keep in mind ethical standards of confidentiality and permission: Ask your clients for permission before sharing and do not reveal their names. If your submission is selected for inclusion in the Chronicles, you may use your name or choose to be listed as anonymous.