David Corbin (1953-2014)

In the early evening of February 14, 2014, long-time Foundation for Shamanic Studies faculty member David Corbin collapsed at the home of friends near Eugene, Oregon, where he and his beloved wife, Nan Moss, were staying. David had been recuperating from surgery performed a week earlier after a heart attack. Cremation will take place in Eugene, after which Nan will visit with their son, Merlin Eugene Moss, and family in Montana before returning home.

David will be greatly missed by all those who had the privilege of knowing him. Messages of remembrance may be sent to gro.m1728246786sinam1728246786ahs@o1728246786fni1728246786 for public posting as soon as possible on the Foundation’s website. When plans are made for a memorial gathering, taking place perhaps in the spring, the Foundation will announce the information.

Nan and the family request that you do not do any shamanic work regarding David and Nan, as that is being taken care of privately.

Plans are being made to assure continuity of Nan and David’s scheduled courses and workshops.


David touched so many lives in our shamanic community. Here are some of the responses that have poured in — a testament to a great, gentle, wise, and kind soul. Please email info@shamanism if you wish to post a message about David for Nan and the family.

* * * * * *


September 22, 2014

I was shocked to learn of David’s passing as I signed on to the Foundation’s web page for the first time in a long time.

My heart goes out to Nan in the loss of her life and shamanic partner.

My first hands on training in shamanism took place in Port Clyde, Maine where I participated in the Shamanic Journey Weekend, and soon after, the Spirits of Nature weekend with Nan and David. I’ve since gone on to study shamanism with other teachers, but I had always dreamed of taking more classes with David and Nan. In my experience, they were the finest co-leaders and teachers, who embodied the heart and spirit of shamanic practice.

Blessings to these two bright spirits, and to Nan in your loss. May David dance joyfully among the clouds and wherever his spirit leads.

Debra LightHeart
Santa Fe, NM (Previously of Buxton, ME)

June 2, 2014

I am so glad I bought your book. Nan and David, you inspired me greatly.
Thank you for being in our lives.
Sincerely, Jacqueline LeBourveau

April 2, 2014

As tears flow for a life well lived…

My mind wanders…
Wanders to the quiet space in my heart
And wonders…
Wonders if I can remember our last hug?
I can!
Much love to all, Tami Rogers, Maine

March 14, 2014

My heart goes out the family during their time of grief. Gratitude for having been in circle with such a kind and gentle spirit at the 2-week training. May he be welcomed with open arms in the realm of the ancestors. peace and blessings!



March 14, 2014

I am so sorry to hear of David’s passing. Blessings to him for enlightening us all on the meaning of Spirit. May his shine bright…

Cara Sands, Toronto


March 14, 2014

hello and thank you verry much vor the newsletter.

we pray and drum for your frend DAVID CORBIN, for his lightful way home and his familie and frends.

the way of shamanism is my life and i am always full of thank to the foundation of shamanis., how opend the door to it for my thank you.

Ute Fechter


March 14, 2014

Dear Nan,

Spirits sent us a gift when Noelle and I crossed paths briefly with you and David earlier this year on the Tennessee Valley trail in Marin. Our hearts go out to you, Nan, with love, grief and gratitude. We remember the genuine and gentle hospitality with which you and David hosted us in Maine on a number of occasions many years ago. David was (is) wise, humble, genuine, kind, helpful, the kind of man we need in the new world we are creating together.

Claude Poncelet

March 14, 2014

Dear fellow Healers,
Please do forward this brief note of appreciation to Nan.

We send a gentle hug to you Nan.

Madeleine and I remember David with deep fondness.
We first met David and Nan several decades ago in the Catskills at a
wonderful five day workshop lead by Sandra Ingerman. Just two years ago
we went up near Monpellier Vermont to take a shorter, and still enriching
workshop with David and Nan.

I am pleased to see that Nan is still teaching Shamanism and I hope
we will again join her to enjoy her guidance and
devotion in the field of Shamanism. Of course you know that the two of
you are and were good humans. I am sure Merlin follows suit 🙂

With Healing Touch FOCUS, and more hugs,
Lynn Bochner

March 14, 2014


Shine on you crazy diamond! I was lucky enough to work with David and Nan and our weather shamanism group in Washington. I have so much respect for the way David operated. He encouraged my work and respected my talents and truly made me feel welcome in circle- a truly wonderful human being.

Kali Lyell

March 14, 2014

It’s not often that I visit this site or read the emails but today I have and saw David’s picture and notice of his passing. I feel nostalgic of the smile that I see in the picture of David seeing the peace in his face and don’t know what his family is going through during this time. We did not know each other and in common have the name David and love of photography. His picture, the face, the eyes and smile give me peace this morning that is needed and thank his family for sharing. I would like to know more about him.

David Einert


March 14, 2014

David – you are the weather
As I look up into the sky, you communicate with me in a playful way
Shooting stars…a beautiful sunrise…the swirling breeze
You are still creating!
Blessings – Madeline Marchell

March 14, 2014

Today is the Ides of March, 3/15/14,

If I may, I want to send all my loving, caring, healing and compassionate thoughts, prayers and positive energy to Nan Moss and to the beautiful soul of David Corbin.

And I want this part of my response to be given to dear, wonderful Nan Moss. I experienced Nan and David 2 or 3 times at Rowe CCC for their workshop. I can’t tell you, Nan, how much you and David have helped and influenced me in my spiritual growth and creativity. I don’t know why, but before I read my email today, I was thinking of the last time I went to the Shaman workshop given by David and Nan up in the Rowe CCC, a place I love deeply. Nan and David were packing up to leave Rowe on Sunday afternoon. Me and my roommate in the Orchard House where you, Nan and David were also staying. So I was remembering when you two were packing up and some small difficulty came up. So of course, me, I had to say, “But you guys are Shamans, you’re not supposed to have any problems.” You and David laughed.
So dear Nan, I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing just 29 days ago after he’d just had cardiac surgery. He is/was about 6+ years younger than myself. But in his somewhat short life, hasn’t he done so much with such a deep and loving heart and soul! My heart and soul goes to you and yours’, Nan, with as much empathy, hope, caring, compassionate and healing thoughts and prayers and positive energy as I can possibly send to you. I pray you are and will be forever blessed by your beautiful work and David’s. He is still alive, I think, as a shaman.

With love, from Karen Wilson (cellist)


March 1, 2014
His kindness, warmth, and generosity in sharing have touched my soul. I was a participant in a 2 week Shamanic Healing Intensive (2005 or 2006). Reading this news today brings all this back to me as a high frequency vibration.
Blessings to Nan.
Nancy Moore

February 24, 2014







Michael Harner


February 22

I was, and am, filled with gratitude for all we have learned from and shared with David, each other, and of course, our loving spirit teachers. My heartfelt sympathies are with Nan.

Mary Anne Luttrell


February 22

David and Nan were an integral part of our 3YR experience. We are so blessed to have had them in our circle.

For 6 years, I have been studying weather shamanism with Nan and Dave. David has been a big part of my shamanic study and my life. He’s been kind, open, generous, funny, careful, nurturing, and big to me. He is a dear friend. It’s been hard for me to even talk about his passing. And Nan’s grief must be so intense.

It is so wonderful for me to read your letters and think of you and our circle (3 year program) and David. What an incredible time we all had together.

Sending blessings and prayers to you all, that your spiritual paths are abundant and rich and alive. That we can all see each other again at some point.

Beth Lenco


February 21

re: 3 year program Nan and David attended:

I also remember our sessions , our meals… that we shared with David and Nan

Also in the mornings going up for a walk at ION’s

Their beautiful clouds cards that I have,… David’s love for photography … Like Nan’s

Perhaps he’s watching in the upper or lower world clouds, …!!!

As a human being I’ve always something to learn about dead …

Beams of light

Alejandra Soto


February 21

I also want to share, heart to heart to all of you the sadness I feel, and I know we are all feeling, about David’s passing. He was a huge part of every FSS training I have taken starting with my Basic Workshop in Rye, NY in the late 90’s. I know we can post to the FSS info email, but I wanted to share with you, my soul circle, my sadness, as I know you and it feels good to share. Hugs

Sandy Chestnutt


February 18

Dear Michael, Dear Susan,

Roswitha just told me about David Corbin’s death.

On behalf of the European Faculty I would like to express our heartfelt condolences to you — and, most of all, to Nan Moss and family.

Please, do know that we share your grief – and are there, in case you need us.

Warm regards,

Roland Urban

FSS Europe


February 21

David taught me many things, during the course of our three-year program. One of the most profound was about the ambiguity that surrounds miracles, from our western, analytical point of view. It has allowed me to focus my attention on outcomes, rather than on “how” something happened. And it opened the door for me to see and appreciate the great miracles that appear around me all the time.

I last saw Dave at the FSS Council and faculty meetings at the end of January. He was very kind to me about my partner Kathleen’s passing. It reminded me of how kind he always was, and of his joyful sense of humor.

Thank you, David. Sending strong love, prayers and support for Nan.


Robbie Staufer


February 18

This is indeed very sad news. David was one of my most favorite guys in my world. I am heartbroken to know how hard this is on Nan. Together they were a huge part of my life’s path and represented sheer unconditional love to me.

I will miss him deeply.

What a time of transition out of the carbon body we are experiencing!

Robert Lee Morris


February 17

Dear Susan,

With great sadness and surprise I received the announcement that David passed away February 14. I had the privilege to share with him meetings and trainings during these last years, and was lucky to learn form his experience and wisdom, always expressed in a very serene and humble way. I will miss him a lot and wish form my heart a good journey for his soul and peace for Nan, David’s family and friends.

Warm regards,

Gerardo Roemer


February 17

Dear Michael, Sandra and Susan,

I am so very sorry to learn of David’s passing. He was such a gentleman and a fine teacher and scholar.

Beth Beurkens


February 17

Thank you [for your message about David], with a very heavy heart.

Elaine Egidio


February 17

I am in total shock. I am so, so sorry. Even though David was a new friend, I loved him. And am holding Nan in my heart. My deepest condolences to you, Michael and Sandra as well as the FSS community entire. A great man and shaman is gone. Heartbreak is not too strong a word. XO, Lora Jansson


February 18

Dear Susan,

What a loss! I was thinking only a few days ago that I’d like to do the 2-week with he and Nan sometime. I’m stunned – a fine man.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Kevin Turner




Alchemist’s Journal / Not Wiped Away

Not Wiped Away

Death comes into our lives in many different ways. People sometimes think that because we get to work with spirits, and the processes of the psychopomp, that death transforms into something easy, perhaps even palatable. We want to contain it, minimize it. Somehow we want to make it smaller than ourselves.

In truth most of what we work with as psychopomps is after-death, once the process of dying is complete. We do some work before death, but not really during the process of death itself. Those moments are still treated with the reverence they deserve. That is where the grit of life hopefully finds the grace of a life well lived.

As grand a miraculous mystery life is, so too is death mysterious and powerful. Our mechanistic world view hides this truth. We seem to think that death returns us to an inert state of nothingness, yet within death is an extraordinary transformation, greater than I think any of us can truly understand. The more I work with shamanism and death, the more my appreciation for the mystery of life and death grows.

I just learned that a great teacher of shamanism, David Corbin, has died. His death comes to me in a strange way, as if someone took a great piece of cloth and simply wiped his presence away. Of course that is not the total of his passage, that is only my vantage point from so great a distance. But I think that is what its like when a luminary is taken unexpectedly, too young. Its as if I was listening to him and mid-sentence he simply disappeared.

I’ve really just started teaching, joining David and his wife Nan in a circle they’ve been in for many decades. I can claim no personal connection to either of them, though I admire both of them greatly. But there are some circles you sit in that bring with them a sense of kinship through shared purpose. Those circles often connect our spirits with a special intensity born of our passion to do good works in the world. I remember looking around our circle amazed that I got to sit with such wonderful teachers, and amazed even further by the feeling that maybe I belong there.

I’d actually been thinking about that circle quite a bit lately, what some of the qualities were that connected all the teachers there. The most striking to me was the feeling that every person in that room was an intensely curious explorer. Had we been born in another time we’d be exploring the ocean or the unknown regions of distant lands. We’d do it if we were paid or not, we’d likely do it if we were barely able to walk. These people were teachers because they craved understanding and wisdom. David, I understand, was one of the first to join that circle so long ago, I’m sure he bares great responsibility in the strength of that circle and the quality of work that flows from it.

I know of course, this circle does not end. There have been teachers who work tirelessly to share genuinely liberating practices for millenia, and there will be such teachers for as long as there are human beings. We are spirit, we are a river, we do not stop, we only move deeper. Nor do I think David’s exploration has ended, just my ability to easily witness it.

Of course nothing can truly be wiped away, but I want to honor the palpable feeling of his loss. The voice of a teacher has been silenced in this world. Another will take his place, they will be unique, passionate, but they will not be David. Its telling to me that knowing him as little as I do, the silence left by him is to me, enormous.

Much love to all of those touched by his loss, most of all of course, Nan.

Timothy Flynn


February 17

Thanks, Susan,

It is not often I find myself in shock, but this has done it. Thank you for letting us know. If there is anything we can do, I know you will notify us.

April Tuck


February 17

My Heart goes out to Nan

I will miss his gentle intensity and wry wit

I can still hear his drum beat and feel the vibration of his drum

from when I laying on the floor under it

I trust he will be there to greet us when we journey to the other worlds

He will be missed in this one

Wanda Tinker De Coteau


February 17

Dear Michael, Sandra and Susan,

Sorry to get this sad news, but appreciate your letting us know. I’m feeling the sudden loss of David, a dear friend and respected colleague. Thinking of dear Nan at this time as well. Good to know that shamanic work has been done for them both.

Good to know there are plans in place for continuity of their FSS programs.

With condolences, love and blessings,

Amanda Foulger


February 17

My darling Nan,

My grief and shock over this news is impossible, and my love for you is fierce. words cannot adequately express how much I adored David, although he was such a new friend. If there is anything, anything I can do for you, please let me know. My heart will be holding you and David, beat by beat.

With complete love, Lora Jansson


My deepest condolences to Nan, family and friends. I knew David enough to know that he possessed a wealth of knowledge far beyond what I saw and was willing to share it all, in good time. Travel well, friend.

Don Leich, Atlantic/New Jersey Weather Circle


February 17

I’m so very, very sorry to hear about David. What a wonderful man and teacher. Whenever I asked him a question, he immediately understood what I was asking and gave me a good, meaningful answer. Deep condolences to Nan and everyone who was close to him. It is a great loss.

Love, Ellen Winner


February 17

Sympathies to all.

David’s energy spread around the world.

He made many connections on this earth.

Some of us only knew him from FSS updates, and his spirit was strong.

Big soft “eggshell” hugs to all of his close tribe.

Fate and destiny play such a part in our lives and it is so hard to comprehend at times.

May you find strength in all the memories.

Barb Haas in Colorado


February 17

This is sad news. I met David and Nan in a Weather Shamanism workshop a couple of years ago here in Colorado – it was a highlight among my trainings, such beautiful work of sky and spirit. May he travel gently to those other realms, and be ever-remembered.

Renna Shesso


February 17

David was an honest and gentle healer and teacher. He shared with me his belief that the healing of the planet laid largely in our capacity for appreciation. He lived in full commitment to that belief. I am a grateful witness.

Jeanie Woods


February 17

I am so saddened to hear the news of David’s passing. Having had the privilege of studying with David and Nan through the 3 year program, I have first hand knowledge of just what an amazing teacher David is, and what a compassionate, caring man. David’s passing is a huge loss to the shamanic community, and I can only begin to imagine what a loss this will mean for his wife Nan and their family.

Susan Opie,

8th East Coast 3 year program Class


February 17

Please give my heartfelt sympathies to Nan Moss about the passing of David Corbin. I have had the privilege of being a student of Nan and David’s. He will be missed.


Martha Jorz


February 17

To all dear relatives in this big shamanic family of ours, I am stunned and shocked as you are, and am so grateful for the eleven days I shared with my training family at Sevenoaks this past October, and with Nan and David. He had such a dry, witty humor and was such a pleasure to be with and a deep, rich source to study with. Words fail but my best wishes go out to Nan and her family and all of David’s friends. What a loss for us, to speak selfishly, although the spirit world has been enriched. If someone would let me know it’s permissible, I will take his name into the sweat lodge over the Spring Equinox.

Angie Bear Heart Rapalyea, Wyndmoor, PA


February 17

Dear David — thank you so much for your kindness. Your gentle manner and passion for life. I remember you sitting quietly by me when I was sitting and crying in the garden during the two week training — just having you sit back there holding space was a great support. I remember your sparkly eyes and wit and great drumming matched only by your sincerity and joy. Thank you for all you taught me about nature, the hidden folk and the weather. You and Nan helped reunite me to my passion and seeing you and Nan work so beautifully together has inspired us.

Kim and Shaun Leyland


February 18

I had the honor and privilege of knowing David through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Nan and David were my first teachers in the world of shamanism and I am glad the creator guided me to them in 2010.

In October of 2012 I attended the 2 week intensive in Virginia where I spent time with them and had a great conversation about the Original 6 hockey teams with David. He was a New York Rangers fan and I, a Boston Bruins fan and that was the beginning of almost 2 hours of remembering the best of the Stanley Cup playoff series between the Bruins and the Habs and everything in between. His eyes sparkled when he talked about his Rangers.

My thoughts and prayers are with Nan and Merlin and the family of shamanic practitioners from all over the world.

Thank you David.

Louise Farr


February 18

To all who knew David and especially to Nan and their son. I am heavy hearted as I write this upon hearing of the loss of such a gentle, intelligent and helpful human being such as David. I will truly miss him. He was such a sweet spirit and such a wonderfully, helpful teacher willing to give his all for anyone. I only knew him briefly from a 2 week workshop, but i felt i knew him for a great period of time. There was no facade about David. He will always be a part of me. Thank you David for sharing your existence with me.

Larry Renegar IIICrows


February 18

The shamanic foundation lost one beloved teacher and friend. I particularly think of Nan on this day, because one could never be seen without the other. David and her made me go through the most intense spiritual journeys and i can’t thank them enough for the quality of their teachings. I loved David: beyond his obvious teaching qualities, his simplicity, availability and sheer interest in the person you are made him a most precious human being. I miss you and i thank you David. Have the most magical and happy journey of all now, our love is accompanying you.

Virginie Claret

Intensive, October 2012, VA


February 18

David made an incredible contribution, I feel very honored to have been in his workshops. My kind thoughts to Nan and her family.

Our world has lost and will miss David’s wise and supportive spirit, but the Otherworld must be rejoicing at receiving him into its embrace. I imagine he will find much to do and enjoy there. And maybe continue to help us on our shamanic paths.

Tom Cowan


February 18

What incredibly sad and shocking news…

Such a beautiful spirit.

Holding Nan and loved ones in love and light.

Deepest condolences,

Catherine Valentine


February 18

I had the privilege of meeting David and Nan this past November in Buffalo. What a very uplifting experience. Yes, he is greatly missed. To you, Nan, I do not have the right words to express how I feel for you at this difficult time. My heart is heavy, but my soul is enriched because of the two of you. Take care my lady. You have many ready to help you during this difficult time, including me. My most sincere condolences.

Love always,

Sherry Manchester


February 18

David’s warm smile and strong compassionate Spirit will always be with me.

Remembering David with much love,

Pat Shea


February 18

I am very sad to learn of David’s passing. I will remember his gentle ways and adorable little laugh. He was a great listener, and I loved the way he observed everything, all the time! May your soul fly high on the clouds gentle David.

Much love to Nan and family.

Lisa Palandrano


February 18

I am devastated by the sad news of Dave’s death and am holding both him, Nan, and their family in the light. Dave was just lovely; humble and gifted in his insight and in his teaching, quietly funny, and accepting of all who came to him. His and Nan’s synergy as teachers was lively, creative,inspirational, healing, and fun. He walked the walk, and I cherish the memories of my two workshops with them.  Rather than wonder why he has left this plane with so much more to experience and to teach others, I just feel deeply grateful that I was able to be in his presence and learn so much from his being while he was here. May this hole in the shamanic community become an eternal well of wisdom to parch our thirst for what is needed in the world. My love to you, Nan, one of my wisest and most caring of teachers. May my hug caress you all the way from Connecticut to Oregon.

Ann Reeves


February 18

He was the best!!! There is a place in my heart for him always. I cherish the wonderful memories I have of him, his kindness, generosity and his shamanic teaching in the many workshops he helmed in which I was so fortunate to participate.

Charlotte Volage


February 18

David was my teacher a long time ago. The love he had for his craft is still in my memory. The wisdom he shared in his workshops is still within me. There is a space in the great circle of life we all belong to and when it is filled, may it be filled with someone who is as kind and generous with every part of their being – just like David.

Robert Levy


February 18

David was a wonderful teacher of our three year program.

This a great loss to the Shamanic community.

I greatly appreciate all he taught me.

Deepest condolences to Nan and family.

Neil Schapera


February 18

To David Corbin,

The night sky is a bit dimmer without you, my friend, the sounds of early Spring a bit less joyous since your sudden passing. We will meet again in the Next World, share good times once more, and reminisce about our incredible time on the exquisite Planet Earth.

Dana Robinson


February 18

I am dumbstruck, it was such an honor and privilege to be David’s student. He was my kind of teacher, rose in one hand and word in the other. He took care of you when you were down and kept you awake when you were going to sleep. He will always be in my heart.

Arvick Baghramian


February 19

He will be missed. Great teacher and inspiration.

Love and blessings,

Donna Ross, WA


February 19

this poem is my contribution of love for david, either for print or public reading.

richard wolfson


The testament of swans, in variegated templates,

coincidences carrying memories, like unbended sorrows,

sight meanders, the arrow slides along the western wind,

the bow, as unencumbered as the illusion of a kiss.


Eyes tell an ancient tale of yellow smoke,

Dionysian fingers tap tap tap past the gauntlet,

layers of contrast, recounting unkempt stories,

whispered upon our bones, upon our joys.


Magnification of unseen Aristotelian necessities,

the morning tucks its crown in simplicity,

like rhymes eaten at the hour of the eagle,

chirping sounds, elucidating the possibility:


The edge of your name, as irresistible as

talons returning home from the poet’s puzzle.

Richard Wolfson — February 18, 2014.


February 19

Dear Ones,

I am so sad over David’s death. I visited once to their Maine home and remember his laughter and wonderful sense of humor.

I remember walking out on the road at Omega Institute during our 3 year class with David and Nan and a bunch of other students as we visited the Faeries. We went almost every night of every week we were there. Cecile and I had songs that we were given by spirit and we taught everyone to sing those songs to the Faeries as well as others. The lights would get brighter when we were singing.

I remember holding onto David’s arm one time and he said, “you can hang on as long as you don’t scream.” I had never screamed before, so I didn’t think this was an issue, but sure enough something happened that startled us all and I screamed – which is not something I normally do. He gave me a look . . .

On our last week of the 3 year class, on the last night we were all out there saying goodbye to the Faeries. We brought them candy and sang to them. Then way across the field we heard a whistle which was the tune of my song, and it was so recognizable that someone even said, “Dee that’s your song.” It repeated three times. David turned to me and said, “now that’s impressive, I could write the lights off as bugs, but that’s impressive.”

May the lights and songs of the Faeries guide you, David, on the next part of your journey. I will miss you.

Blessings, love and comfort to you, Nan.


Dee Slate Stennett


February 19

David and Nan opened my heart to the shamanic way in their November 2013 Basic workshop. And what an opening it was! I am grateful and honored to have met David and learned from him. He will be sorely missed by the shamanic community. My heart goes out to Nan and their family as they grieve his passing.

Suzanne in Gloversville NY


February 20

I was so sorry to hear of David’s passing. I have taken several workshops with both he and Nan here in Vermont. I was always struck by David’s amount of intensity (in a good way) when he listened to the participants and their sharing of their journeys. He was a great mentor and no question was seen as not being worthy of being asked. I am sure that his physical presence will be missed but know that his spirit and soul still exist in another plane to continue the work he began here. My best to Nan, I can not even begin to imagine the loss she might feel at this time. Many blessings to Nan, their son and the many people who are feeling the deep loss of this great man.

Kim Fuller


February 20

For Nan: my heart goes out to you, dear Nan. Read and reread an email from Peter Clark, as I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. David was Michael Harner’s right hand person at Omega for the first shamanic workshop I’d done, and then in the three year program with you and Michael in the Adirondacks. I remember his kind heart and soft quiet power that helped make much very accessible in the world of spirit and friends. Such a huge loss for the shamanic community at large. Sending much love,

Julie Soquet


February 20

Dear Nan,

My love and hope go out to you in this difficult time. David was a special man.

I will hold his spirit in my heart with loving memories and I hold you in my heart with love and light.


Susan Davidson


February 20

Dave Corbin – Words are inadequate as they so often are. A powerful and gentle man who was a gift to so many. May he find peace and joy always.

Mara Bishop


February 20

David Corbin is such an amazing being and creature. I was just thinking about him and Nan this past weekend and I am so extremely sad to hear he has left the physical plane. It is/was such an honor and a privilege to know this man and to see him work with Nan. I am sure I’m not alone when I say I felt a deep connection with him and felt as if we had known each other for many lifetimes. I’m saddened that I don’t get more time with him in this lifetime and in his form. His spirit is/was so strong and he will soar on forever. Thank you for all the time spent in and out of class, David. You are an incredible being.

Much love to you, to Nan and to your family,

Linda Wooliever


February 20

I knew David from his years of doing shamanic workshops and trainings at Sevenoaks Retreat Center where I’ve lived for forty years. He was always warm and friendly. We all loved David and Nan’s presence at Sevenoaks, which they both described as land which is “spiritually seasoned.” The land itself knew and welcomed David. We all felt the energy of the land quicken and come to life when they arrived here; and after their visits, when we would find little stone altars here and there, or prayer flags, or mysteriously constructed walls around long-neglected springs, we knew that the shamans and the spirits were working together again for everyone’s benefit. Sevenoaks remembers David and will miss him.

Susan Thesenga


February 20

My dear Nan, I pray for you and your family to receive all that you need in your time of grief and adjustment to dear David crossing over.

I wanted to share my cherished memories as you and David were my teachers clear back in 1997 or ’98 when I attended your first teaching of the Basic Workshop for FSS in Rye, NY. You have both offered me your teachings over the years ever since. So wonderful after I moved to CA see you again when you two attended the 2 Week Intensive with me and, of course, your attendance in my 3 Year as you in turn started teaching it on the East Coast. You two are a big part of my founding teachings.

I know David’s presence is in all you do and will carry forward in the years to come as his influence will never leave you, nor I, nor all the others who’s lives you both have touched so dearly.

Be well my dear Nan and walk your path hand in hand with his spirit, heart to heart.

Much love,

Sandy Chestnutt


February 21

David was one of the first folks I met at the Foundation when I started working at the Foundation 20 years ago. We instantly hit it off and I felt like I had known he and Nan forever. David was a strong yet gentle man, and also a computer wizard and master of the sly joke. He was extremely funny and always kindly laughed at my jokes in return.

I am so grateful that I was able to see him in late January at the Council meeting. As always, we stood around and laughed, caught up a bit and laughed some more. When we were leaving I hugged him and we complained that we never have enough time. We were right.

I miss him greatly.

Noelle Burch


February 21

Oh, Nan (and all close to David), my heart goes out to you. Being with both of you and the others in that three year advanced training in Shamanism at the Pathwork Center in Phoenicia long ago was one of the high points of my life. You and David are etched in my memory, and in my heart, forever.

Much love,

Burrill Crohn


February 24

Dear Nan, and family,

I’m sure you will receive hundreds of emails, and they can be like butterflies lighting upon your summer flower garden, each one taking your attention for a moment, a delight of memory, or funny story, and pause as you find your way on the new path and rediscover how to live in the world without David. Unimaginable, I suspect, and we move one day at a time.

I have no deeply personal stories to tell, but appreciation for the gifts you and David shared we me and so many others in trainings and workshops. I know, that because of you both, my life has been a better one to live in.

With deepest gratitude and sympathy for your loss.

Bernadette Rose,

VT (met at Sue Jamieson’s)


February 28, 2014

My contact with David was so often related to Foundation business. But in those brief, most often by email, interactions, I gained such an appreciation for the quality of his character. He was always polite and kind, taking the high road when we had a problem to solve. He never responded with anger or selfishness, but with goodwill and creative solutions. He saw the best in people. He seemed to look on the world, particularly the spirit world with such delight. He was a person you could trust. I liked his quiet humor, his gentle understanding of the foibles of humanity. I was so happy to have been with him in circle one more time at the FSS Council and faculty meetings in January.

A bright spirit has passed from this reality. David has taken another great leap in his soul’s journey. He gave us much while he was here.

Nan, I hold you in my heart. Know that the spirits are holding you too. May you, Merlin, and your family find comfort in your love, knowing that David touched so many of us so deeply — and we remember.

With love,
Susan Mokelke


March 6, 2014

David profoundly touched my life as he did many others. Knowing him and Nan over the years and in particular sitting in circle together the past six years has been both an honor and privilege.

David showed his impeccable way of honoring the spirits, shared his love of the middle world especially though weather shamanism as well as his unique wit. But most of all his quiet but strong presence, being his authentic self, rings true and, perhaps, for this reason I can still sense his presence.

Thank you, David, for sharing your wisdom. You are deeply missed.

My love and heart reaches out to Nan. May she continue to be blessed by the light, love and support of many.

Susan Bakaley Marshall