Teaching Shamanic Knowledge

Teaching shamanic knowledge and the ethical practice of core shamanism healing methods is a primary focus of the Foundation. Students are introduced to the independent spirituality of shamanism, essential to helping to heal humankind and transform its relationships with the planet and its inhabitants.

We currently offer hundreds of workshops and training programs internationally to thousands of individuals each year. Our goal is to return the power and effectiveness of shamanic practices and knowledge to present-day society for individual, community, and global healing and problem solving.

The Foundation offers the highest quality of authentic and effective shamanic education. Derived from extensive cross-cultural research and experimentation by anthropologist Michael Harner (1929 – 2018), the FSS maintains the gold standard of shamanic training. Expansion worldwide of the number of highly-trained and shamanically-experienced faculty members is ongoing. Powerful new workshops rooted in ancient shamanic wisdom continue to be developed to successfully meet the needs of changing times.

Core shamanism workshops are presented in two major categories:

For personal shamanic practice, deepening the connection with the spirits, healing, and gaining knowledge.

For hands-on practice in the primary healing methods used in core shamanism.

In addition to a complete series of weekend workshops, advanced five-day and longer residential training programs are offered in the Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism, the Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive, and Harner Shamanic Counseling Training.

The Foundation also seeks to broaden the scope of its teaching mission by pursuing opportunities to offer programs with educational organizations and holistically-oriented associations, as well as complementary and alternative medicine centers.