Core Shamanism Chronicles logo ©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
FSS Core Shamanism Chronicles features brief personal shamanic healing accounts and practical applications of shamanism in daily life. By sharing our inspiring stories with each other, we hope to reveal the power, effectiveness, and beauty of shamanic practice.

If you have a core shamanic practice story to share, please send as an email attachment to INFO@SHAMANISM.ORG and put “Chronicles” in the subject line. Submission guidelines: No more than one page is recommended. Accounts should offer a specific personal example of healing or applying core shamanism methods in everyday life. As always, keep in mind ethical standards of confidentiality and permission: Ask your clients for permission before sharing and do not reveal their names. If your submission is selected for inclusion in the Chronicles, you may use your name or choose to be listed as anonymous.

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Manifestation During Healing Session

This client had heard of shamanic healing from my god-daughter, who had some very positive results from a healing session that included extraction healing, power animal retrieval and soul retrieval. I met the client thru a phone call, and she told me of some issues...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Skunk Power

I am reclaiming my power. Specifically, I am reclaiming Skunk power. I don’t think it ever left me, but when I was first given it, I didn’t know what to do. My life was in pieces and I was new to the world of spirits as shamanism understands it. In my twenties I went...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Help for Ukraine

The FSS is providing this forum for our shamanic community to share inspiration, activities, artistic endeavors, actions, and ideas about what is being done to help Ukraine and its people. Scroll to the comments section below to leave a comment. Comments will be...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Beginning Journey Experience

I have been reading Michael Harner's books The Way of the Shaman and Cave and Cosmos. I have recently taken two trips to the Lower World by following the instructions in Way of the Shaman. My second time journeying was definitely eye opening. When I came out of the...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: My Spontaneous Healing

My name is Eli and I have just returned from the second year of the FSS Europe (FSSE) Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism, October 2021, in Switzerland.* In November 2020 I came down with a neurological condition that left me virtually an invalid. I spent two...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Spirit Song

I'm trained and have practiced as a psychiatrist for more than 40 years. Many years ago, after sustaining a head injury due to a fall, I started having some amazing, overwhelming, unexplained experiences (some call them "peak" or "transcendental" experiences), where I...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Formulated by the Spirits

I was praying after doing my shamanic journey work. My thoughts were about wanting to help those in pain, especially chronic pain like individuals with fibromyalgia - like those that I had treated so often as a massage therapist. As I walked from my barn to the house,...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Honoring Tree Spirit

As first-time home buyers, we were apprehensive about this new experience. The house in the San Francisco Bay Area was more than 100 years old and several families had lived here before us. Even though the structure is old, it felt alive with fresh possibilities and...

Core Shamanism Chronicles: Shamanic Healing, Neck Injury

I had received a call from a client who requested healing for her neck. She had been in a car accident two years prior and had sustained an injury to her neck. Despite going to various doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists, she still suffered from pain and...