In Memoriam: Alicia Luengas Gates, 1936 – 2020

It is with great sadness that we inform you that Alicia Luengas Gates, extraordinary shamanic teacher and healer, and spiritual mentor to so many of us, transitioned peacefully on July 29 in southern California where she lived for many years.

Gerardo Roemer, FSS faculty member and teaching colleague, informed us that before her passage Alicia asked that we do not do shamanic work for her at this time, beyond offering love and good wishes.

About Alicia Luengas Gates

We invite you to share remembrances and thoughts about Alicia by submitting a comment below.

We are grateful for Alicia's magnificent life and beautiful soul -- and know that she will have a special place in the spirit realms.

Yours in spirit,
Susan Mokelke


  1. I was fortunate to have Alicia as my teacher in the
    West Coast 3-Year followinf Michael’s stroke. She was amazing, particularly in her ability to encourage us to support each other. My deep condolences to her family. My prayers are with you.

  2. En memoria, nuestro mensaje a tu alma Alicia, desde Barcelona, a allá donde estés:

    Querida Alicia, te uniste a los espíritus en el gran espíritu. Ya no te tendremos compartiendo tus enseñanzas y sabiduría presencialmente. Nos dejas el obsequio de habernos hecho conocedores de nuestras propias capacidades de conexión con nuestros espíritus de ayuda y compasión, además de todo un enorme aprendizaje profesional y humano.

    Agradecemos profundamente tu amor puesto en crear la escuela de chamanismo transcultural en España, poniendo a nuestra disposición la riqueza del legado de Michael Harner a los que vivimos en este otro lado del planeta.

    Junto a ti algo tan interno como inmenso ha sido comprendido. Has sido un indefinible regalo para todos nosotros, Alicia, que sólo el tiempo podrá hacernos consciente de ello.

    Vaya contigo nuestro amor y alegría por lo vivido. Gracias, Gracias, Gracias.

    Tamir y Jayani

    In memory, our message to your soul Alicia, from Barcelona, to wherever you are:

    Dear Alicia, you joined the spirits in the great spirit. We will no longer have you sharing your teachings and wisdom in person. You leave us the gift of having made us aware of our own abilities to connect with our spirits of help and compassion, in addition to all a huge professional and human learning.

    We deeply appreciate your love put into creating the school of core-shamanism in Spain, putting at our disposal the wealth of Michael Harner’s legacy to those who live on this other side of the planet.

    Next to you something as internal as immense has been understood. You have been an indefinable gift to all of us, Alice, that only time can make us aware of it.

    Go with you our love and joy for what we have lived. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    Tamir & Jayani
    Barcelona, Spain

  3. Thank you my teacher
    Thank you for your no nonsense way of teaching.

  4. Gracias, Alicia. Por todo.

  5. I remember first meeting her at a one time class with Michael Harner at a hotel on Van Ness Ave in San Francisco, over 20 years ago. There were only about 10 of us and Alicia was there. It was the FSS class, in my memory. What I remember is the feeling of that gathering and the most amazing group journey we all took together. Trying to recall the details, I just feel this strong warmth and a glow spreading from my chest that surrounds my head. After that, I looked for every Alicia teaching I could find. Writing this fills me with gratitude. And I can visualize her bright eyes and smile.

  6. Alicia was a brilliant teacher, no nonsense colleague, and gifted healer. In the days before I learned of her death, I heard her voice in my dreams, singing the song she sang to my returning soul part during a precious session I had in her home many years ago. Safe journeys, dearest Alicia. You have given so much to so many, and blessed us beyond measure. Your radiance shines on.

  7. Querida Alicia, estoy profundamente agradecida por tus enseñanzas. Por transmitir con pasión lo que más te gustaba hacer! Estoy segura que tus espíritus te acompañan a la luz, al encuentro de tu amado esposo Gary y tu alma está en paz. Supiste vivir de acuerdo al Ser, alegre y con una risa contagiosa, disfrutando… Maestra de Maestras. Tu recuerdo está en mi corazón, en ese lugar donde habitan las memorias de las personas importantes en nuestra vida. Te digo un hasta luego, hasta que nos encontremos en cualquier realidad.
    Marcela Pazos

    Dear Alicia, I am deeply grateful for your teachings. For passionately transmitting what you most liked to do! I am sure that your spirits accompany you to the light, to the meeting of your beloved husband Gary and your soul is at peace. You knew how to live according to the Being, happy and with a contagious laugh, enjoying … Master of Masters. Your memory is in my heart, in that place where the memories of the important people in our lives live. I say goodbye, until we meet in any reality.
    HOOOOOO !!!!
    Marcela Pazos

  8. Gracias querida Maestra. Cambiaste mi vida enseñándome con amor y mucha pasión el legado de Michael Harner. Mi eterno agradecimiento, allá donde tu espíritu vuele libre.

    Thank you dear Master. You changed my life by teaching me with love and passion the legacy of Michael Harner. My eternal gratitude, wherever your spirit flies free.

  9. Dear Alicia,
    Thank you for being my teacher for the two week intensive and the West Coast 3 year. I was more than a little intimidated at first. But you taught me how to “focus”. For that and your enormous presence, I am eternally grateful.

  10. Honor and respect to a beautiful soul. I took my Basic and other advanced courses with Alicia here in San Diego. She will be missed by so many. Thank you, Alicia, for all you have given, the wisdom you have held, and your graceful presence at every moment I witnessed.

  11. Alicia Gates was my teacher in the Two Week Healing Intensive. I was relatively new to FSS at the time, and had been warned by friends that she was a difficult teacher, so I had no idea what to expect. I found her to be a wonderful teacher, and so very dedicated to the teaching. During meal breaks she was absolutely hilarious when she shared stories about her life. I was amazed to find how funny she was.

    Her teaching was the absolute best way for me to start on this path. She was serious, and she was very powerful as a shaman and as a woman. I appreciated how dedicated to the work she was, and what an overall lovely woman she was. I couldn’t have had a better immersion into Shamanic healing that with Alicia. I subsequently signed up for the 3-year program that she was supposed to teach, but the plans changed and that was the last class I had with her, as I understand she focused more on South American and Spain.

    I saw her at a FSS event a year ago and was so pleased that she remembered me and came up to me to speak to me. What an amazing lady. She will be sorely missed.

  12. Dear Alicia,
    thank you so much for the beautiful teaching you did at the 2-week intensive and 3-year program. I was truly blessed to be in your classes. You set for us an example of dedication, discipline, wisdom, and humor. Many blessings on your way!
    with love,

  13. Alicia was a great teacher. She helped us finish the 5th West Coast Program in Advanced Shamanism. She was a great shaman, fantastic teacher, and a nice, caring person. I have thought of her and her teaching many times since that training. She will be missed.

    Thank you and blessings, Alicia!

  14. Alicia, Michael and Amanda taught a two week years ago in Oregon. Those two weeks changed many lives, I think. Certainly mine. I will never forget the gift that Alicia gave me all those years ago. It sustains me to this day. She is powerfully present.

  15. Alicia performed a 3 part healing on me in which my spirit was removed. healed and replaced. I scheduled it on 3 consecutive lunar eclipses. It was the quite literal rebuilding of a human life and form that was as she noted, shattered. There is no amount of money or material that could repay her for that extraordinary piece of work. She was and will always be extraordinary, rarified and miraculous.
    My path goes on because of her. I know she goes on infinitely and all whom she encounters will be greatly changed by her. Fare thee well, Alicia. Blessing was your road, may blessings be your path.

  16. Alicia ha sido una excelente Maestra , nunca dejaré de agradecer todo lo que nos ha enseñado. Sé, lo siento así, que el espíritu de ella nos iluminará por siempre y que se cumplirán sus deseos de que existirá un mundo mejor, lleno de amor y sanación. Gracias Alicia de alma. Gracias por siempre

    Alicia has been an excellent Teacher, I will never stop thanking you for all you have taught us. I know, I feel this way, that her spirit will enlighten us forever and that her wishes that there will be a better world, full of love and healing, will be fulfilled. Thank you Alicia of soul. Thanks forever

  17. Thank you Alicia for your friendship.
    You taught me what loyalty, ethics and love mean.
    The best teacher of life I could ever dream of.
    You’ll be for ever in my heart.

  18. Dear Alicia, I could not have asked for a better teacher for the Two Week Intensive. I had no idea what I was about to learn, I only knew that I belonged. Your teaching gave us all compassion, humor, strength and power. I felt every moment of your connection when you called in your helping spirits and you were always available for questions and told the best stories at lunchtime. I am so grateful I was able to connect with you again after 10 years at the teacher training in 2019. I hope I can live as you did with grace and joy and respect for all of us. Safe journey home, Alicia. Much love, Denise.

  19. Dearest Alicia,
    There are no words to express my deepest gratitude. The three years that I spent as your student and friend were some of the most important and transformative of my life. Thank you for being and extraordinary teacher and for your friendship. I will miss you on this earth but know you are in a beautiful place.
    Con todo mi cariño,

  20. Alicia, much gratitude for your wisdom, generous kindness and gentleness you showed me as a teacher. I know you will continue your healing work and support where ever your transition takes. Our world here is now poorer with your absence. Having you as teacher changed my life for the good. Blessings to you always where ever you are. Narandja

  21. Thank you, Alicia, for your beautiful dedication and artful sharing. You made my 3-year program unforgettable. I’ll never forget how you expressed such love and joy in my work to bring Owl to our circle. It really made me feel seen and appreciated. Shine brightly, Dear. I’ll look for you in the night sky.

  22. I had the privilege of meeting Alicia at a Council gathering and somehow in each of the breakout sessions we were in together and sitting beside each other. This quiet but powerful connection happened in other teacher trainings and I felt a privilege to just be in her presence, surrounded by her light, her powerful way of speaking and being. It would have been wonderful to have taken workshops with her, and so many have been blessed with that gift. Her spirit will journey on and continue to touch many. Many blessings to her family as they remember her and her many gifts and teachings.

  23. Thank you, Alicia, for being the conduit for incredible lessons that rooted me in shamanism. You are strong, powerful and unique, and I honor you for all that you are. May your new adventure be filled with every blessing. I send thanks and greetings to your husband who supported you in your work, and thanks to the Universe who coalesced in the singular being that you are.

  24. Alicia was a friend & healer for 35 years & we shared many a great meal & birthday together. She led an extraordinary life & I am sure she is dancing in heaven with her beloved Gary. rest in peace dear Alicia!

  25. Dearest Alicia,
    My deepest gratitude and love for your shamanic lessons and teachings. You are forever in my heart. May you dance across the moonbeams with a handful of stars on your continued eternal Journey. In love and reverence, Babette.

  26. Alicia was a force of Passion! We loved her Latina Spirit of love, family, integrity, and honoring the Spirit Helpers. In our three year program she began her journey into becoming a leader of the three year programs on the West Coast. At first people were reluctant to accept this different voice, this wondrous accent, but she never wavered from the goal. Teaching these ancient traditions with grace and that passion. People soon realized the treasure that was her soul and her style. Alicia is Blessed to now be with The Star People. We are better for having been touched by her presence.

  27. I had the pleasure of spending a week with Alicia at IONS retreat center some years ago when she taught the Shamanic Depossession program. That was a very special and unforgettable week. Thank you so much to this strong woman and gifted shaman. Blessings on your soul’s continued journey Alicia.

  28. Precious Alicia’s physical presence will be missed by her family, friends, and students. Our paths crossed for almost 25 years. I valued our connection. She was well prepared for this Journey.
    I wish you Good Journey Alicia!

  29. I was fortunate to have assisted Alicia for 5 years during the FSS Workshops she taught in San Diego Ca. I was also very fortunate to have her as my teacher during our three year program, she was a very powerful shamanic practitioner. Thank you Alicia for everything you taught us and for touching our lives in such a beautiful way. Thank you for your love and support, you will be missed by so many people. May the universe bless your soul and guide you on a beautiful and loving journey back home.

    Juan-Carlos Safa “JC”

  30. We thank each and every one of you for honouring her life by sharing the way she touched your lives. Alicia was undoubtedly a gifted shaman, but also she was an extraordinary aunt. She was always there for me and for all our family. She could see what no one else could see. Rest in peace.

  31. In 2010, my last year of teaching in SD,
    I took 6 weekend trainings from Alicia. She was amazing and will be missed. In 2011 I retired here in Ha. and have now studied shamanism for 10 years and do shamanic retreats here on my land. Alicia was my first
    shamanic teacher and she changed my life. I am in deep gratitude to her and know she is surrounded by love.

  32. The Spirits LOVED to work with Alicia. A wonderful example for us all. Godspeed, Alicia!

  33. Forever grateful. Unangwa y unangwa.

  34. Dear Alicia, dear teacher and dear friend. You left a profound void, but full of wisdom too. As always when you have had a problem, the eagle flew over my house warning me. I will miss you a lot.
    Have a good trip

  35. Maestra querida infinita gratitud por todas tus enseñanzas y tu generosidad en brindar tu conocimiento, tu experiencia, y tu gran bondad al compartir tu vida. Especialmente para mi chamana increible , eres en todos los mundos la gran maestra. La sanadora de mi vista porque desdr que ne curaste veo mejor. La que me sorprendio el ultimo 2 de abril llamandome por telefono para saludar, para pedir ser incluida al grupo de chats y que durante varios.minutos mas alla de manifestar su gran amor y dedicacion a mi tribi me dijiste que quedabas muy tranquila dejando este 4to. Programa en mamos de Gerardo. Que vos estabas siempre igual. Que Gerardo tenia los conocimientos y todo lo necesatio para hacerlo. Gracias Alicia infinitamente gracias. Estoy sntiendo enorme gratitud ya estas camino a casa con tanta luz ! Y seguramente el recibimiento que tienes son enormes abraxos de puro amor! Hasta siempre.

    Teacher dear infinite gratitude for all your teachings and your generosity in offering your knowledge, your experience, and your great kindness in sharing your life. Especially for my amazing shaman, you are in all the worlds the great teacher. The healer of my sight because after you healed I see better. The one that surprised me the last April 2 calling me on the phone to say hello, to ask to be included in the group of chats and that for several minutes beyond expressing great love and dedication to my tribes you told me that you were very calm leaving this three-year program in Gerardo’s hands. That you were always the same. That Gerardo had the knowledge and everything he needed to do it. Thank you Alicia infinitely thank you. I’m feeling enormous gratitude and you’re on your way home with so much light! And surely the welcome you have are huge embraces of pure love! Until forever.

  36. Querida Alicia, gran maestra me siento bendecida porque los Espíritus te hayan puesto en mi camino , me enseñaste con tanta pasión y amor el respeto hacia los Espíritus chamanismo. Te agradezco tanto, mi corazón llevará grabado por siempre tu recuerdo, tus enseñanzas y la pasión que ponías en cada uno de los encuentros para enseñarnos. GRACIAS

    Dear Alicia, great teacher, I feel blessed that the Spirits have put you in my way, you taught me with so much passion and love, respect for the Shamanism Spirits. I thank you so much, my heart will forever engrave your memory, your teachings and the passion you put into each of the meetings to teach us. THANK YOU

  37. Querida Alicia estoy profundamente agradecida por tus enseñanzas y tu sabiduría. Todo lo transmitías con gran pasión y la fuerza de tus espíritus. Te recordaré siempre por el respeto que inspirabas pero también por la alegría y la amistad que nos brindaste. Nos llevaste lejos a conocer vastos e ignotos territorios, nos presentaste a tus espíritus, fuertes y poderosos, pero por sobre todas las cosas nos hiciste descubrir el maravilloso mundo y el poder que tenemos en nuestro interior. Hasta siempre querida MAESTRA, hasta que el viento nos vuelva a juntar en cualquier realidad.

    Dear Alicia, I am deeply grateful for your teachings and your wisdom. You transmitted everything with great passion and the strength of your spirits. I will always remember you for the respect you inspired but also for the joy and friendship you gave us. You took us far to know vast and unknown territories, you introduced us to your spirits, strong and powerful, but above all things you made us discover the wonderful world and the power that we have within us. Until always dear MASTER, until the wind reunites us in any reality.

  38. Those of us who knew Alicia know of her love for life and for shamanic work. A great teacher, not only for her knowledge but also for her great experience in shamanic healing. Watching her work with her spirits taught and inspired us. She shared with impeccable and immense love the work of Harner for so many years. Have a good trip to your soul dear friend and teacher.

  39. Alicia te honrro, como practicante chamánico he aprendido un arte, un encuadre y he reconectado con los chamanes de mi linaje.
    Llevo un compromiso y es importante cumplir con nuestra misión. La tuya est@ en mi… gracias desde Argentina

    Alicia I honor you, as a shamanic practitioner I have learned an art, a frame and reconnected with the shamans of my lineage.
    I have a commitment and it is important to fulfill our mission. Yours is in me… thanks from Argentina

  40. Alicia, gracias por lo que hiciste por nosotros, ahora que eres luz y amor puro nos guiarás con tu sabiduría

    Alicia, thank you for what you did for us, now that you are light and pure love you will guide us with your wisdom

  41. Gracias Alicia. No hacen falta más palabras. Mi vida y manera de verla y sentirla cambió a partir de tus enseñanzas. Queda en mi ahora aprehenderlas y aplicarlas. Buen viaje

    Thanks Alicia. No more words are needed. My life and way of seeing and feeling it changed from your teachings. It is up to me now to apprehend and apply them. Good trip

  42. Me queda tu impronta y tu profundo amor y respeto por el chamanismo y por los espíritus grabad@ a fuego.
    Maestra de maestr@s, gracias por tu gran aporte en este legado llamado Chamanismo Transcultural. Gracias por haberlo hecho posible para habla hispana.
    Buen retorno y buen reencuentro con tu amado Gary, que las alas de Isis te acompañen en tu gran vuelo ?

    I still have your mark and your deep love and respect for shamanism and for the spirits engraved on fire.
    Teacher of teachers, thank you for your great contribution in this legacy called Core Shamanism. Thank you for making it possible for Spanish speaking.
    Good return and good reunion with your beloved Gary, may the wings of Isis accompany you on your great flight.

  43. Cuando el amor por la tarea es tan fuerte, deja grandes huellas. Maestra Alicia, siempre estare enormemente agradecida contigo. Ha sido un inmenso honor conocerte, compartir y aprender de ti. Alli donde estes, unida al todo, la bendición te colme y te devuelva todo el bien que has brindado!!!
    Gracias por tanto!

    When the love for the spiritual path is so strong it leaves big footprints for all.
    Dear teacher Alicia, I will always be gratefully thankful to you. It has been a huge honor for me to share and learn from you.
    Wherever you are, now one with the holy everything, may the bliss fill you and return back to you all that benevolence that you’ve given.

  44. Alicia was and still is a great teacher to me, in a broad sense. I will never forget her impeccability in the transmission of knowledge and the immense sense of spiritual power, when she took the drums. I will remember her in an endless dancing. Nice trip back to the light dear Alicia!!

  45. Mi querida Alicia, un emocionante honor haberla conocido y haber sido su alumna. Aún resuenan sus enseñanzas en mi. Se que estará feliz con su Gary y desde allá donde esté, seguirá ayudando con infinito amor y sabiduría.

    My dear Alicia, meeting you and being able to be one of your students was a huge honor. Your lessons are still very vivid in me. I know, wherever you are, you’re happy with your Gary. I also know that you’re helping the world with all your love and wisdom.

  46. Marin County, two weeks, 06, i fly in from NYC for Harner for his ‘heh heh’ coda and default answer to most questions “ask your power animal.” He’s relaxed entirely in the shadow of our conductor, Alicia Luengas Gates. Like wow. Thunder and lightning enter the room, that much spirit and accurately directed by, yes, this no nonsense woman. We are working the work. In the trenches. Scrubbing floors. It is a service. We are her heirs at taking the work as work. For others. No show. Her modesty inside her power was how she was the most important teacher for all of us. I love Alicia madly too.

  47. Gracias querida Alicia por transmitir tus conocimientos y amor por el chamanismo, fue un honor para mi y lo voy a guardar siempre en mi corazón.
    Gratitud infinita a tu alma bella

    Thank you dear Alicia for transmitting your knowledge and love for shamanism, it was an honor for me and I will always keep it in my heart.
    Infinite gratitude to your beautiful soul

  48. Feliz viaje Maestra! Por allá nos veremos. Gracias por las dos semanas magicas! Con dulce amor, Melissa

    Happy journey Master! We’ll see each other there. Thanks for the magical two weeks! With sweet love, Melissa

  49. Gracias Alicia por tu maestría y enseñanzas. Se expanda el firmamento en tu encuentro. Libertad y amor para ti. Hasta siempre… por acá seguiremos honrado el camino. Ya eres polvo de estrella. Besos

    Thank you Alicia for your mastery and teaching. The sky expands in your meeting. Freedom and love for you. Until forever… we will continue to honor the path here. You are already stardust. Kisses

  50. Gran maestra, me siento honrada por haber tenido la fortuna de haber recibido tus enseñanzas.
    Humilde y sabia, enseñaste no sólo con tus palabras sino con tus actos.
    Que tengas un bellísimo viaje a la luz.

    Great teacher, I am honored to have been fortunate to have received your teachings.
    Humble and wise, you taught not only with your words but with your actions.
    Have a beautiful journey to the light.

  51. No alcance a conocerla, sin duda su cocimiento y forma de transmitirlo era algo especial, espero me cuenten más de Usted, increíble maestra, feliz retorno a la luz

    I did not get to know her, undoubtedly her knowledge and way of transmitting it was something special, I hope they tell me more about you, incredible teacher, happy return to the light

  52. Alicia
    Thank you for your courageous examples in your teaching.

  53. In 2007 in California, two weeks spent with Michael, Alicia and Amanda in the same room were … transformative and powerful … to say the least. As each day progressed my spirit was opened by Alicia to doorways of ferocious experience that are still with me to this day. I will never forget Alicia’s bright eyes and ready smile ~ her demonstrations and willingness to answer all questions, seeing into my soul’s yearning. In 2015 when I had the chance to reconnect with her at a Council gathering, I was grateful to be able to tell Alicia once again how the Two-Week Intensive changed my life. Vichnaya Pamyat, Alicia, Eternal Memory!! … many blessings upon your soul journey.

  54. Gracias Alicia por enseñarme con el ejemplo y la irradiación. Realizaste una tarea de impecable trasmisión. Por siempre te tendré presente en mis rezos. Con amor y respeto te veo ahora viajando a la Luz, con la Luz y Siendo Luz. AHO!

    Thanks Alicia for teaching me by example and irradiation. You performed an impeccable transmission task. I will always keep you in my prayers. With love and respect I see you now traveling to the Light, with the Light and Being Light. AHO!

  55. It was a really blessing having Alicia as a teacher! She was a powerful woman and a great shaman. Thank you very much for everything you gave to me!

  56. Hi Alicia, thanks for the guidance you gave all of us in the 3 year program. I remember particularly the response you gave us to my question about mentors. We didn’t need any mentors, we all knew what to do already. Wish I had taken you up with your offer for me to help you with one of the workshops in San Diego. I know you’re near to all of us from your current location loving and supporting us. Mahalos dear one, Aloha

  57. Gracias.querida Alicia por tus enseñanzas, tu amorosidad y tu ejemplo.
    No encuentro palabras para expresar todo lo que siento por tu partida
    Te abrazo desde mi corazón.

    Thank you dear Alicia for your teachings, your love and your example.
    I can’t find words to express how I feel about your departure
    I hug you from my heart.

  58. It was a privilege assisting Alicia over the years of the Two Week and Three Year trainings together after Michael’s stroke.
    A powerful shamanic practitioner and excellent teacher, she was utterly devoted to the helping and healing spirits and the FSS work.
    My heartfelt thanks to her, to Michael and the compassionate, wise spirits that brought us together.

  59. Alicia, you were so knowledgeable and grounded. Thank for all you taught me. You will be greatly missed in this world. Fly free.

  60. Alicia, Great Teacher and Great Person.
    I’ll be always grateful to you for everything.
    May the Compassionate Spirits join you coming back home with your beloved husband Gary. Happy journey!

    Alicia, Gran Maestra y Gran Persona.
    Siempre te estaré agradecida por todo.
    Que los Espíritus de Compasión te acompañen en tu camino de vuelta a casa, junto a tu amado Gary.
    Feliz viaje!

  61. Querida Alicia:
    Al fin me animo a poner en palabras mis sentimientos y emociones. Y quiero decirte que estaré eternamente agradecida por haber tenido tus enseñanzas.
    Gracias a Gerardo y ese hermoso ser de luz y dulzura que es Alejandra Soto.
    También he tenido la fortuna y la bendición de que hayas sábado girones de mi alma!!!!!
    Gracias Maestra!
    Gracias, Gracias, Gracias!!!!!

    Dear Alicia,
    At last I encourage myself to put into words my feelings and emotions. And I want to tell you that I will be eternally grateful to have had your teachings.
    Thanks to Gerardo and that beautiful being of light and sweetness that is Alejandra Soto.
    I have also had the fortune and the blessing of having shreds of my soul on Saturday !!!!!
    Thank you Master!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!

  62. Querida Alicia,

    Usted fue una gran maestra para mi, su dedicacion, lealtad y pasion, fue percivida, transmitida y recivida a nivel mental y espiritual.

    Gracias por su gran contribucion a la Fundacion para estudios Chamanicos y a todos los que tuvimos el placer y bendicion de conocerla.

    Que tenga un viaje bendecido y con mucha luz.

    Con mucho carino y agradecimiento.

    Ana Maria

    Dear Alicia,
    You were a great teacher for me, your dedication, loyalty and passion were perceived, transmitted and received on a mental and spiritual level.
    Thank you for your great contribution to the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and to all of us who had the pleasure and blessing of meeting you.
    Have a blessed and bright journey.
    With much love and gratitude.
    Ana Maria

  63. Dearest Alicia, so many thanks again for your teachings and friendship. The two-week intensive I could participate with you and Amanda definitely changed my life. I will always feel so grateful for your commitment to take us as deep as possible into shamanic experiences. It was fantastic! Your are fantastic :)) Enjoy your new freedom.

  64. Alicia querida me siento muy bendecida por haber tenido la posibilidad de aprender contigo. Estaras siempre en mis rezos, guardo en mi corazón nuestras charlas y tus consejos, guardo en mi alma tus enseñanzas y tu ejemplo. Buen regreso a casa. Me entristece profundamente tu partida, y me alegra inmensamente saberte en tu trascendencia mayor. Todo mi amor para ti. Aho!

    Alicia dear, I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to learn with you. You will always be in my prayers, I keep our talks and your advice in my heart, I keep your teachings and your example in my soul. Good homecoming. I am deeply saddened by your departure, and I am immensely happy to know you in your greatest significance. All my Love for You. Aho!

  65. Alicia querida gran maestra Chamanica , gran espíritu. Agradezco haber compartido estos tiempos agradezco haber podido tenerte como maestra ,un gran privilegio para mi camino espiritual. Se que para nosotros parece una gran pérdida más en estos tiempos ,pero también necesitabas tu descanso y no dudo el recibimiento y la dicha de los espíritus que estés ahí.Sin más q agradecer tu vida y tu entrega .Tu Alma brilla. Gran Espíritu.

    Alicia dear great Shamanic teacher, great spirit. I am grateful to have shared these times I am grateful to have been able to have you as a teacher, a great privilege for my spiritual path. I know that for us it seems like a great loss more in these times, but you also needed your rest and I do not doubt the reception and happiness of the spirits that you are there. Without more than thanking your life and your dedication. Your Soul shines. Great spirit

  66. Querida Alicia que el Cielo te envuelva y guarde en las mismas delicias que nos has hecho conocer.

    Dear Alicia, may Heaven envelop you and keep you in the same delicacies that you have made us know.

  67. Dear all, and especially Alicia,

    Your passion for your work is inspirational to me even now. When I feel I am living into the passion that you brought to our work, I feel I am doing ok. Thank you for being who you are and were. May your passion and true love for your work sit with me always.

    Much love in return,

    Steve Serr

  68. Dearest Alicia,

    It’s been a pleasure and an honor to have had you as my teacher during the shamanic learning journey at the FSS. Your consistency, powerful connection with spirits and pragmatism coupled with your joy for life and fantastic sense of humor touched my heart from every possible angle. Your gigantic presence and your teachings will stay with me for ever.

    Buen camino (pleasant journey) dear teacher,

  69. Agraïment etern estimada Alícia.

    Eternal gratitude dear Alicia.

  70. Querida Maestra me siento bendecida de haberte conocido y mucho más de haberte tenido como mi maestra!

    Verte con tanta dedicación en cada momento enseñándonos con tomando amor y alegría, cada círculo era estar en casa! Fue un privilegio cada instante compartido, mi alma te agradece tu ayuda y la de tus espíritus ?

    Gracias por haber hecho posible que podamos vivir el Chamanismo Transcultural aquí en Argentina?

    Gracias por tanto Maestra! Todo mi amor para este regreso a casa! Vuela bien alto Alicia!??????

    Dear Master, I feel blessed to have met you and much more to have had you as my teacher!
    See you with so much dedication at each moment teaching us with taking love and joy, each circle was to be at home! Every shared moment was a privilege, my soul thanks you for your help and that of your spirits?
    Thank you for having made it possible for us to live Transcultural Shamanism here in Argentina?
    Thank you so much Master! All my love for this homecoming! Fly high Alicia!

  71. Gracias Alicia, Maestra querida. Nos enseñaste con amor y con el ejemplo. Vive en mi recuerdo y en mi corazón tu fuerza, tu compromiso, tu servicio y tu coraje. Te quiero mucho y te voy a extrañar mucho también, hasta que volvamos a vernos en la otra realidad. Fue un privilegio aprender de vos. Gratitud!!

    Thank you Alicia, dear Master. You taught us with love and by example. Live in my memory and in my heart your strength, your commitment, your service and your courage. I love you very much and I’m going to miss you a lot too, until we meet again in the other reality. It was a privilege to learn from you. Gratitude!!

  72. Querida Alicia, me siento bendecida y honrada por haberte tenido como maestra.
    Verte trabajar con la potencia de tus Espíritus, me inspiró y me impulsó a seguir la senda con amor y pasión.
    Te estoy eternamente agradecida.
    Buen viaje hacia la luz querida maestra, nosotros desde aquí seguiremos honrando tu ejemplo!

    Dear Alicia, I feel blessed and honored to have had you as a teacher.
    Seeing you work with the power of your Spirits, inspired me and impelled me to follow the path with love and passion.
    I am eternally grateful to you.
    Have a good trip to the light dear teacher, from here we will continue to honor your example!

  73. Dear Alicia,
    It was the privilege of a lifetime to be one of your students. With your vast experience and knowledge you guided us with a sure hand into the mysterious and magnificent land of the spirits. What exuberance and joy I felt! You healed my jaded, world-worn soul. And also, of course, so incredibly, you and my fellow students, with your helping spirits, healed my body as well. What a miracle!
    For my life, and the path of my life, I am so deeply grateful to you, Alicia, for all the precious gifts you gave me.
    Safe travels, dear teacher.
    Love you forever,
    Carol Glegg

  74. Querida Alicia, fue tanto que me enseñaste, siempre estaras en mi corazon. Te abrazo

    Dear Alicia, it was so much that you taught me, you will always be in my heart. I hug you

  75. Alicia was my teacher, colleague and friend. Her shamanic ethics were impeccable, her healing power amazing. To be in her presence while she worked was an inspiration and a benediction. She was a strong, decisive woman, with an abundance of compassion. Her power and strength were evident in the way she shared so completely with so many of her heart and her wisdom, without holding back. She was fearless in living her life doing what she loved. My memories of her are like precious pearls and I count each one in deep gratitude and love. Farewell, beautiful spirit. Susan

  76. Querida Alicia:
    Muchas gracias por lo aprendido contigo en el verano de 2018 en Barcelona. Ha sido un placer conocerte y aprender de ti, maestra chamana. Me hubiera gustado seguir aprendiendo a tu lado.
    Deseo que el lugar donde esté tu alma, sea un lugar hermoso y dónde puedas seguir ayudando a aprender a otras almas.
    Un abrazo de Luz y feliz viaje.
    Maria José

    Dear Alicia,
    Thank you very much for what I learned with you in the summer of 2018 in Barcelona. It has been a pleasure meeting you and learning from you, shaman teacher. I would have liked to continue learning by your side.
    I wish that the place where your soul is, is a beautiful place and where you can continue to help other souls learn.
    Thank you.
    A hug from Luz and happy journey.
    Maria Jose

  77. Mi muy admirada y amada Alicia, era mi ilusión terrenal conocerte en los talleres de marzo 2020.
    Tu Alma decidió elevarse dejandonos tu legado de la Maestria en el Amor, la Compasión y la Sabiduría ancestral de la gran Chamana .
    Fuiste y eres pura luz buen viaje a la Casa del Padre Eterno.

    My much admired and beloved Alicia, it was my earthly illusion to meet you at the March 2020 workshops.
    Your Soul decided to rise leaving us your legacy of the Mastery of Love, Compassion and the ancestral Wisdom of the great Shamana.
    You were and you are pure light. Good trip to the House of the Eternal Father.

  78. One time you paid close attention to calling me back to my body, to ordinary reality. My entry was greeted by the penetrating gaze of your eyes. All that I experienced in that gaze–welcoming, safety, powerful presence and love–are forever etched into my heart. Good journeys, dear Alicia. thank you for guiding us so well.

  79. ha dejado un hueco en mi corazón, igual que el primer día que me llamo y vino a mi despacho y me dijo que me estaba buscando y me encontró pese a no ser un día laborable, conectamos nada mas llegar y aunque hablamos del su servicio como chamán , nuestros trato fue por un lado puro material de impuestos como fiscalista y espiritual ya que la conexión sigue aun hoy día y siempre en la distancia, lo único que lamento es no volverla a ver mas físicamente y unirme a su sonrisa

    has left a hole in my heart, just like the first day she called me and came to my office and told me she was looking for me and found me despite not being a working day, we connected as soon as we arrived and although we talked about her service as Shaman, our treatment was on the one hand pure tax material as a fiscal and spiritual since the connection continues even today and always in the distance, the only thing I regret is not seeing her again physically and joining her smile

    • Què bonic que hagis deixat aquest sentit comentari Jordi. Gràcies.

      How nice that you left this meaningful comment Jordi. Thanks.

  80. Te guardo amb carinyo en el record del meu cor Alicia. Desitjo que te hagis retrovat amb el teu estimat marit, i sigueu molt feliços.
    Gràcies per els teus ensenyements i guia.

    I cherish you in the memory of my heart Alicia. I wish you reunited with your beloved husband, and be very happy.
    Thank you for your teachings and guidance.

  81. Oh how sad to read this !!! I have met her on the Foundation’s gathering in Novato in January 2019 and I was thrilled by her energy as I sat even next to her. I deeply express my condolences. With all my love from Germany, Jessica

  82. I just discovered this news of Alicia Gates. I am sad and also trust that her life in the invisible world will be rich. I participated in the 2 week intensive about 15 years ago with her as the lead teacher. She was strong and compassionate and my sense that was she had a deep relationship with her helpers.
    I will always remember her with great joy and much love.
    Peace to everyone reading this.
    Julie Charette Nunn

  83. Una rosa blanca

    Una rosa blanca
    nació en el cielo,
    una rosa blanca
    bajó a la tierra.

    Una rosa blanca
    que brilla de día
    y de noche,
    una rosa blanca
    que ilumina de día
    y de noche.

    Una rosa blanca
    que reconforta
    a los corazones extraviados
    en algunas de las noches
    oscuras del Alma.

    Alicia Luengas Gates,
    para mí, fue una rosa blanca,
    así que allí dónde esté
    le mando una rosa blanca.

    Gracias, Bella Alicia!

    Francisco Torrente.

    A white rose

    A white rose
    was born in heaven,
    a white rose
    came down to earth.

    A white rose
    that shines by day
    and at night,
    a white rose
    that lights up by day
    and at night.

    A white rose
    gives comforts
    to lost hearts
    on some of the
    dark nights of the Soul.

    Alicia Luengas Gates,
    for me, was a white rose,
    so wherever you are
    I send you a white rose.

    Thanks, Bella Alicia!

  84. Querida Maestra, te despido con cariño y doy gracias por haberte conocido y haber sido tu discípula

    Dear Master, I say goodbye to you with affection and I give thanks for having met you and being your disciple.

    • yes to Disciple! of all the shaman practitioners i worked under, Alicia is the one i feel i am owing everything to, as the work works.

      • I am so grateful for Alicia. I pray for her to find wonderful adventures in the invisible realms. I received a great deal from her guidance in the two week intensive. My shamanic practice has become home base for all the other work that I do in the world. Much love to you all this winter and happy holidays, Julie

  85. One of the first Shamanic teachers I met in San Diego. Thanks for being my friend for so many years and all the yummy meals we shared together. Enjoy dancing in the sky world and our paths will cross again Dear Alicia

  86. Thank you Alicia.
    Happy trails!

  87. Dearest Alicia,
    I was saddened to learn of your transition. Although I know that you now inhabit the spiritual universe… and not this worldly space… I cannot help but be sad. Your healing work and unsurpassed shamanic teachings, are so desperately needed here now.
    Fortunately, you generously shared your gifts with thousands of shamanic students, sending them out into the world to continue your extraordinary work.
    I will be forever grateful for your powerful healing, actually curing my chronic lyme disease… which amazed my very traditional and skeptical, physicians. As the years passed, under your guidance, I learned how to explore both my inner self and my place in this vast universe.
    Thank you, Alicia. I love you.

  88. Dear Alica, great teacher. Your path has been a great contribution to many, I am completely grateful to have met you. Alicia… it has been a great gift, the great learning that I have received in your workshops. Your strength, your great connection and great knowledge… have left an indelible mark on me. Wherever you are now, may the Love of all the people who knew you be with you. Have a good trip with all my love.

    Querida Alicia, gran maestra. Tu camino ha sido una gran contribución para muchos, estoy completamente agradecida de haber te conocido. Alicia… ha sido un gran regalo, el gran aprendizaje que he recibido en tus talleres.
    Tu fuerza, tu gran conexión y gran conocimiento, … han dejado una huella imborrable en mi.
    Estes donde estes ahora que el Amor de todas las personas que te conocimos te acompañe. Buen viaje con todo mi Amor.

  89. espero que todos nos volvamos a ver en algún lugar del tiempo

    I hope we all meet again somewhere in time