FSS Polestar: Core Shamanism, FAQ

When Michael Harner first introduced The Way of the Shaman in 1980, shamanism was little known outside of academia. The renaissance of contemporary experiential shamanism is largely due to his pioneering work over the last several decades researching, developing, and originating the methodologies of core shamanism.

As a result of Dr. Harner’s groundbreaking work, today tens of thousands of the Foundation’s students and many thousands more who have learned from these students are practicing shamanic methods of direct revelation from the spirits—a welcome phenomenon that offers hope for our Earth and its inhabitants. At the same time, the rapid growth of interest in shamanism and the resulting proliferation of programs and trainings that claim shamanic roots has resulted in much confusion and misunderstanding about what core shamanism is and about its power and efficacy.

As taught in the workshops and training programs of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, core shamanism:

  • Consists of the universal, near-universal, and common features of shamanism, together with journeys to other worlds, a distinguishing feature of shamanism.
  • Offers students the opportunity to learn and practice authentic, powerful, and effective shamanic healing and divination methods to high ethical standards–working with guidance and power provided by the compassionate helping spirits.
  • Is an independent spirituality, a path of direct revelation from the helping spirits.

The Foundation’s training in core shamanic methods provides the basis for a shamanic practice. To practice successfully, however, in addition to the methodology, one must build strong connections with the helping spirits, who provide the power for effective healing. These connections develop in strength over time through disciplined training and experience. Ultimately, we have found that success as a shamanic practitioner is dependent upon:

  • Developing spiritual power through working with the compassionate helping spirits over a period of time.
  • A disciplined and ethical application of the core shamanic healing methods taught in the workshops and trainings under the guidance of one’s own helping spirits.

For more about Foundation training, see the Getting Started guide: https://shamanism.org/workshops/shamanic-training-getting-started.pdf

A great starting point for learning about core shamanism is the FSS workshops FAQ page: https://shamanism.org/workshops/faq.php. Many common questions are addressed, such as:

What is a shaman?

What is core shamanism?

What about the quality and authenticity of the Foundation’s training programs?

If I complete the training programs of FSS, will I be a shaman?

FSS ONLINE TRAINING. We now offer fully experiential online training via Zoom in the Shamanic Healing and Knowledge & Power series. FAQ Shamanic Healing Online Training Program.

In future Polestar columns we’ll talk about a number of these issues in detail, including some inspiring examples of the power of core shamanism in practice.

Polestar logo design by Carolyn Fee ©2010 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
FSS Polestar highlights some of the questions we are frequently asked about contemporary shamanic practice. “Polestar” is defined as “something that serves as a guiding principle.” It reflects our commitment to helping practitioners stay oriented to authentic shamanic methods and ethics, while maintaining their own independent spirituality, which comes from learning directly from the compassionate spirits. Send us your practice-related questions for consideration for Polestar. Email info@shamanism.org with “Polestar” in the subject line.

East Coast Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive
October 17 – 28, 2021

Nan MossEast Coast Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive, October 17 – 28, 2021, Madison, Virginia. This life-changing course will be taught by Nan Moss and assisted by Elaine Egidio.

Originated by Michael Harner, this intensive training in advanced core shamanism is described by former participants as “amazing,” “transformative,” “life-changing,” and “the most important experience of my life.” A variety of advanced methods are practiced in this residential program, including extraction healing, power (core) soul retrieval training, psychopomp work, divination, and work with the spirits of nature. There will also be work that is not included in FSS weekend workshops, such as selected advanced healing methods, the dream dance, explorations, and initiatory experiences.


The West and East Coast Two Week Intensives are the centerpiece annual programs of the Foundation and the best preparation for the Three-Year Programs. Enrollment is limited and early application is recommended. To assure a place in the program, please return your application promptly; acceptance will be according to priority received.

More about the Two Week Intensive

FSS Polestar: Shamanism as a Profession?

Shamanism as a Profession?
Practicing Shamanic Healing Using Core Shamanism

We find ourselves these days at a significant crossroad in the growth of shamanism in contemporary society. In the 1980s, when the Foundation’s training programs were relatively new, people got involved because they were curious, hungry to learn, and committed to reclaiming their lost spiritual heritage. There are now tens of thousands of people who have completed years of advanced training in core shamanism. Their passion for the work has inspired them to find ways to help relieve pain and suffering in the world through offering their services as shamanic practitioners.

Increasing numbers of people are asking about “shamanism as a profession,” raising practical questions like: What qualifications or training do I need to practice shamanic healing? How can I know when I am ready to start a healing practice? How do I explain to prospective clients what I do?

In response, the FSS is offering guidelines and an opportunity to engage with other practitioners in addressing these kinds of pragmatic questions, as well as how to proceed with a shamanic practice in an ethical, compassionate, and effective way. Discuss important everyday issues associated with shamanic healing and explore creating an ideal container for your practice in the FSS advanced weekend workshop, Shamanism in Practice: Ethical, Effective, and Inspired Shamanic Healing.

For more about shamanic healing as a profession, see “The Contemporary Practice of Shamanic Healing” by FSS president Susan Mokelke.

Polestar logo design by Carolyn Fee ©2010 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
FSS Polestar highlights some of the questions we are frequently asked about contemporary shamanic practice. “Polestar” is defined as “something that serves as a guiding principle.” It reflects our commitment to helping practitioners stay oriented to authentic shamanic methods and ethics, while maintaining their own independent spirituality, which comes from learning directly from the compassionate spirits. Send us your practice-related questions for consideration for Polestar. Use our CONTACT FORM, and put “Polestar” in the subject line.

FSS Polestar: Can you learn shamanism and shamanic healing online?

As interest in shamanism grows, online training offerings are emerging. There are pros and cons to this trend. On the one hand, never before has it been so easy to connect with shamanic practitioners and shamanic resources from all over the world. This is an exciting development, since no one with access to a computer need feel isolated in their pursuit of information about shamanism. The downside is that the sheer volume of material makes it challenging to sort through it and to determine what is accurate, legitimate, and useful. And, even when you find accurate resources, having information and truly knowing are not the same thing.

We are both physical and spiritual beings. Shamanism is an embodied practice, traditionally taught and passed on within a living community, even though the spirits work outside of space and time. Through many years of experience teaching the methods of core shamanism, we have seen that the profound depth of live interaction among participants—supported by the power of the gathered circle and the presence of the compassionate helping spirits—is not duplicated in an online format. Though shamanism is an independent spirituality that emphasizes methodologies that help you connect directly to the spirits for answers and knowledge, it is no contradiction that achieving this personal freedom is most effectively facilitated by learning within a grounded and harmonious in-person community.

Online offerings can provide useful introductory information about shamanism and shamanic healing—what it is and its relevance to the individual and our world. As to shamanic methods, just as one can experiment with shamanic journeying by following the process set forth in Michael Harner’s The Way of the Shaman and Cave and Cosmos, an online course in shamanism may provide you with a glimpse into another reality of great power and possibility. This may help you to determine if shamanism is a good fit for your life, worth pursuing fully in a circle of like-minded students through in depth training with highly experienced shamanic teacher-healers.

More About Shamanism

Polestar logo design by Carolyn Fee ©2010 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
FSS Polestar highlights some of the questions we are frequently asked about contemporary shamanic practice. “Polestar” is defined as “something that serves as a guiding principle.” It reflects our commitment to helping practitioners stay oriented to authentic shamanic methods and ethics, while maintaining their own independent spirituality, which comes from learning directly from the compassionate spirits. Send us your practice-related questions for consideration for Polestar. Use our CONTACT FORM, and put “Polestar” in the subject line.

New 8th East Coast Three-Year Program Starts May 6 – 11, 2012, with David Corbin & Nan Moss


Nan & David


Madison, Virginia – Eighth East Coast Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism & Shamanic Healing taught by David Corbin and Nan Moss, assisted by Elaine Egidio. [First meeting.]

Originated by Michael Harner, this course is the most advanced training in shamanism and shamanic healing offered by the Foundation and generally is considered unparalleled in the world. It involves intensive extended training in progressively higher levels of very advanced shamanism, including rare and little-known principles.

More details